As you’ll know (unless you’ve been living under a rock), the current coronavirus crisis has caused a huge ripple across all industries. Lockdown, the general term for the government’s advised or enforced restriction in social movement, has seen closures across the board in entertainment, hospitality, leisure, and so many more sectors of our economy. Our industry here at Novity, virtual reality, is in a unique position right now: with more and more people spending time in their homes, demand for gaming and entertainment has skyrocketed.

Understandably, with limited access to events and our usual go-to’s for entertainment like cinemas, gigs, theatres and more, virtual reality has fast become a sure-fire way to stay entertained in your own homes. However, virtual reality is also beginning to serve an invaluable purpose for those wishing to stay connected during this time, whether for work purposes, keeping meetings and workshops running, or purely for those newly-digital social occasions.

But what might lockdown mean for the future of VR? How is VR continuing to be used amidst social distancing regulations and measures? Could the VR industry even thrive in this complex situation? Novity answers your burning questions about coronavirus’ impact on VR gaming, one of the world’s most popular and beloved industries.

Increased Entertainment

As we’ve mentioned, the considerable uptick in the time we’re all spending at home nowadays has caused a similar pattern in VR gaming and entertainment. Without being busy with work and being unable to head to other places they might usually visit, people seem to be investing more in headsets and games now that they have much more free time. In addition, the versatility and variety available with a virtual reality headset means that the options really are endless. People all over the world are banishing quarantine boredom, by taking advantage of the latest technology available for VR gaming.

Gaming At Home

Virtual & Video Meetings

In addition, VR is serving an unforeseen purpose during this era of social distancing. With in-person meetings and workshops a thing of the past (and hopefully future!) many of us have turned to our trusty screens to get us through and keep the work-wheels rolling. Virtual Reality has started to become a factor in all of this: offering a perfect interactive platform for virtual meetings, tours, and appointments, keeping all parties safe from any possible contagion risk. In real life, it can be tricky to ensure that everyone in your meeting is on the same page (literally). With a screen-share or presenter tool, virtual meetings take the stress out of workshop planning, allowing the user to seamlessly interact with the virtual environment. Even doctor and nurse consultations are beginning to take place in digital and virtual environments – after all, a video link provides more for the physician to examine than a telephone consultation!

This virtual land has lots more in the way of opportunities to offer different industries. Virtual home viewings, virtual exercise classes and even virtual concerts are fast becoming the new norm for lockdown life. It seems that many of these adjustments will withstand these changes and stick around when we return to normality, for the ease, convenience and accessibility for all.

Finally, these benefits aren’t going unnoticed. Brands are sitting up and taking notice of the possibilities that embracing VR has for their business, even after the pandemic is over. Working remotely, wider accessibility and far greater inclusivity are just some of the features that VR facilitates, no matter how you use it. Being accessible to everyone with an internet connection and headset means that there’s a whole new virtual world out there, just waiting for us to make the most of it.

Meeting Room