Time for an Update 

It’s been a while since we last checked in to update you on our VR cooking game, Rags to Dishes, but that’s because we’ve been working really hard to make sure it’s ready for release this summer.

We decided to make a medieval style cooking game in January last year and we always anticipated that it was going to do well. Based on the response we’ve had on social media and from anyone that’s tried it, we’re now even more confident that it’s going to be a super fun and engaging Virtual Reality game!

Bread Area Before
Bread Area After

A Lot on our Plate 

Ever since we started working on this game, we set out clear goals for what we wanted to achieve by the beginning of 2020: all our campaign levels, Peasants, Nobles and Royals to be both mechanically and logically complete. Below you can see our roadmap from last year:

  • 7th January – Decided to make a cooking game
  • 11th January – Decided on the medieval theme
  • 29th January – Started development
  • 8th April – Prototype complete
  • 10-11 April – Testing with outsiders / Proof of concept
  • 7th June – Peasants Playable
  • 31st July – Nobles Blockout 
  • 16th September – Nobles Playable
  • 21st October – Royals Blockout
  • 25th November – Royals Playable
  • 31st January – Alpha Playable

We’re delighted to say, we achieved our goal! We had our Alpha build ready by the mid February, but we’re not quite ready for you guys to test the game just yet, there’s a few more little things we need to do…

Cooking up a Storm  

So what else needs adding to the game? Well, any game developer will tell you that there’s always some new feature that can be added. We are relieved that our campaign is feature complete and we’ve now entered the Polishing phase. This means, replacing old or missing art assets, fixing the ever-recurring bugs and getting the game to a stage where it’s up to our standards (and yours, of course). We don’t want to release the game or even ask people to test it until it’s at the best stage it can possibly be, we promise that the team is working really hard to make sure we cook up a storm!

When Can You Test It?

We know, we know, you’ve been waiting long enough now…. When are we finally going to let some of you try out the game?

Rags to Dishes is going to be ready for testing once we’ve added in all of the tutorials, story points and the end of stage events. We’ve already had a number of people asking to test the game so if you too want to be one of the first to try the game out (and are able to come to our Manchester city centre office) then subscribe to our email list (at the bottom of the page) so that you’ll be the first to know when outsider testing begins!

Testing Participants
Testing Participants